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an ending, and

a beginning

"I felt the voices of generations moving
through me..."

On October 1, 2016, friends and family gathered to witness and celebrate the wedding of Leland Meiners and Lizi Schoell at this historic and lovely place. They fell in love on these shores, and said their vows overlooking the lake before the grand house. Cello music soared from the front porch, a breeze sighed through the pines, and we felt the generations smiling. The house had never looked so grand!

As cousin Ruth Griggs put it, " Lee's wedding, I felt the voices of generations moving through me, and to make that house shine again – with all that you did on the outside, and all that we did on the inside: 'Leave it better than you found it,' per Gramps - we all surely did that!"

Later that month, the fourth and fifth generation of Lelands – both Griggs, Mattisons, Brisuelas and Meiners – said goodbye, as Up North passed into new hands for the first time since 1939. 


Ruth summed it up by saying, "I am excited at the thought of a new generation coming in and making the house and the property their own. I hope their daughter will have just as good memories up there as we all did.

Photos by Braxton Black, Marcy Mattison
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